Thursday, December 15, 2011

Design Specifications-12/13/11

1. Minimum of 2 minutes.
2. Serious attitude.
3. Imovie
4. Creative and original
5. Attention grabbing
6. Contains 10 facts
7. Contains phone numbers and websites for more information
8. Transitions


The three design for the PSA are similar. The first design has a news theme. It includes a live introduction by Andrea and I. We will be saying what the purpose of the PSA is. Next we will present a chart or graph with information about Digital Access in the United States. Then, to appeal to the emotions, a picture of low technology communities will show up. A text below it will say a statistic of how many homes do not have access to the Internet. Also, the video will have another part with a quick list of interesting facts. The second video sample is more informative than the first because it will have more pictures and facts than the first. The background music is suspenseful, so that in the end the last scene will compare how China is way ahead of us technology wise. Our final design is the one that we have chosen.


We have created a Gantt chart to stay organized and on track. It show that on the first two days we were to dedicate our time to research on our topic. By the end of hthe two days, we should have gathered all ten facts for the PSA. This information was useful to create a brochure on the next two days. During the break, we planned to design the video by completing a storyboard. The story board too about two days also to finish. The remainder days up to December 16 we will be working on the create part. Creating the PSA will take more time because it will have to meet every single requirement on the rubric. The day that we come back from Christmas Break we will be ready to evaluate our product. Our goal is to be on schedule so that we will have completed our PSA before we leave for the Break.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


OBJECTIVE; Today I will create the WORD document that I will print as my
process journal at the end of this project.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Plan Reflection-11/29/11

     Today, Andrea and I plan to set up the different sections from iMovie. We will choose the theme for the project and de decide what facts and pictures we will include in the video. Our goal is to have the facts and statistics ready to go for next class.
     We discussed what theme fit best to our topic and decided to use the News theme. It will be easier to put in the pictures and include a voiceover. We were able to evaluate our choice against the specifications and gave reason to why it's best.
     For next class, we planned to come prepared to actually begin collecting the pictures we will use and put in order the facts, statistics and quotes. We also agreed to split the work and bring in a portion of the facts and statistics we will use.
     I gave myself a grade of 5 on criterion F because it includes the information and pictures that are necessary. It also meets all the requirements presented in the rubric.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Design Brief 11/17/11

The problem presented is about digital access. To solve the problem, I will create a PSA and poster to raise awareness on how and why to improve digital access.
The message is going to be to everyone in the world with and without digital access. The point is to make the viewer realize what they are missing out technology wise.
Several sites I used are
To make the PSA I will be using iMovie or The music will most likely be calm and suspenseful.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

PSA Plan worksheet

1.            What issue/ topic did you choose?
I chose Digital Access.

2.            Why is this important?
It’s important because digital access is dominating the world and without it we will have difficulties.

3.            Who do you want to reach? (target audience)
The targeted audience is the class.

4.            What is the behavior your looking to change?

5.            Why doesn’t the audience already engage in this behavior?

6.            What emotional appeal can you make?

7.            Belonging; Power/Control; Fun: Safety;

8.            Put your audience in a situation/scenario where the issue would come up in their lives.

9.            Where are they? (setting)

10.        Who is there? (characters)

11.        What’s’ going on around them?  ( ambient sound)

12.        What are they saying? (dialogue)

13.        Who is message brought to you by? ( Station; organization)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 3-Research

How does digital security impact future digital footprint?
Digital Security- is the protection of your digital identity
Digital security is very important since many tasks are now done online. These are some facts about digital security:
1. Recently, with the growth of DSL and cable connection technologies, millions of small to medium size companies and businesses are wide open to the ravages of the Internet. It is a very simple task for anyone to have full access to all the data contained in the hard drive of anyone connected to a DSL or cable modem line.

2. As much as 60% of corporate data resides unprotected on PC desktops and laptops.
(IDC analyst Cynthia Doyle, Business Continuity in 2002: It's Not
Business as Usual, April 2002)

Practical Consequences

1. The merchant is always responsible for security of the Internet-connected PC where customer details are handled. Virus protection and a firewall are the minimum requirement. To be absolutely safe, store sensitive information and customer details on zip-disks, a physically separate PC or with a commercial file storage service. Always keep multiple back-ups of essential information, and ensure they are stored safely off-site.
2. Where customers order by email, information should be encrypted with PGP or similar software. Or payment should be made by specially encrypted checks and ordering software.
3. Where credit cards are taken online and processed later, it's the merchant's responsibility to check the security of the hosting company's webserver. Use a reputable company and demand detailed replies to your queries.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


My topic is "Digital Security." Something important that I discovered is that "there are individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people." That is why we need to take precautions.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Digital Access

1.Many low income homes in the United States are America offline because they don't have internet access.
2.Due to digital divide, higher class communities receive better online services than the lower class.
3.Some minority groups are being deprived from learning the most they can because of unequal access to the internet.
4.Bill Gates was the innovator of Microsoft.
5. For better access the government should create better incentives to network builders, treat broadband as a public utility and federal rules should be established to ensure universal access and user choice.
6. The Final recommendations explain how the government should step it up and ensure that the whole nation has internet access because it is essential for everyone, especially in education.
7. The people should demand and explain the importance of internet access to the government.
8. The government should pass a law that limits the cost of the internet and make it available to everyone, and encourage more competition among providers and more options for users.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vocabulary 10/25/11

Etiquette: A person with good manners is most likely to have better etiquette online.
Conduct: In class, we are expected to gave proper conduct everyday.
Courtesy: Out of courtesy, I brought Ms.Garza a gift on Teacher Appreciation Week.
Flame: Most of the times, flames are sent between enemies.
Troll: A troll post can hurt a person forever because it will be in the Internet forever fore everyone to see.
Anonymous: The election votes are anonymous.
Emoticon: I always use emoticons when I text so that my friends will know my emotions at that moment.
Obvious: It was so obvious they were talking about me because they were pointing at me.
Tone: My mom always uses a harsh tone when I don't do what she tells me to.
SMS: The SMS allows me to be connected to the Roadrunner Internet.
Ethical: I always practice ethical actions when I say thank-you.
Unethical: Going through someone else's personal information is unethical.
Legal: It is legal to own arms but with a permit.
Boolean Search: I used boolean search to look for "Inca" and "culture."
URL: Everyday the URL for this class is

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Investigate: I rated myself a 5 on this stage because I went in depth to discover what program was best to present the Design Cycle to the 6th graders. After really revieweing several options including Prezi and imovie, I chose Prezi and evaluated it against the specifications. This was done by creating two table rating each special function from 1 to 5. I went more in depth on each of Prezi's special functions like music, fonts, images, shapes and themes to get the most out of the program.  I felt this stage was well done because the results were effective.
Design: On this stage I rated myself a 6. I created 3 designs to help me start my project. Each design met the design specifications. I really tried making each design very similar to each other but the difference was the layout. They included an explanation of the Design Cycle stage and a picture to support it. I decided to use the 3rd design because it had the most adequate layout. It is also easy to follow and understand. I feel I did good on this stage because I took my time to consider each design and evaluate it against the requirements. Without this step, I think the final product wouldn't be as successful as it is now because it's important to plan out and think about what exactly is best.
Plan: On my planning I rated myself a 4 because I didn't really put all my effort and thought into it. In order to manage my time and stay on track with the project as a whole, I created a gantt chart and timeline.  This helped me stay organized and complete my project on time. I followed the plan and it ended up being very useful. Without it, I would've probably not have completed each step of the Design Cycle. Next time, I think it will be more helpful to create a visual timeline and check off each stage as I make progress. This will help me keep track of how much I advanced for that stage and what I still need to finish.
Create: On the creation stage I rated myself a 5. Over all this part was well done because I followed my plan. While creating the product, I also looked back on my design. Even though I had some trouble with the program I was using, I was able to figure out how to solve the problem. This is why I rated myself a 5. Looking back on my progress, I was able to elaborate part of it every day.
Evaluate: Finally, on the evaluation I rated my self a 3 becasue I haven't yet gotten the chance to test it out on a 6th grader. Based on the evaluation of my peers, I did everything that was required, so I will continue to put effort into it. I made a self-reflection on my whole project. This last time I made the plan when I was already halfways through the project. It was not as effective as I planned because I was rushing through it. Next time I will make sure I make it from the beginning of the project so that I can follow it and not fall behind. I need to make sure that I not wait till the lastminute to finish up instead I have to planout every step.

Create Reflection

PLAN Reflection

In order to manage my time and stay on track with the project as a whole, I created a gantt chart and timeline.  This helped me stay organized and complete my project on time. I followed the plan and it ended up being very useful. Without it, I would've probably not have completed each step of the Design Cycle. Next time, I think it will be more helpful to create a visual timeline and check off each stage as I make progress. This will help me keep track of how much I advanced for that stage and what I still need to finish.

     I created 3 designs to help me start my project. Each design met the design specifications. I really tried making each design very similar to each other but the difference was the layout. They included an explanation of the Design Cycle stage and a picture to support it. I decided to use the 3rd design because it had the most adequate layout. It is also easy to follow and understand. I feel I did good on this stage because I took my time to consider each design and evaluate it against the requirements. Without this step, I think the final product wouldn't be as successful as it is now because it's important to plan out and think about what exactly is best.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Evaluate-IA PART 2

     Through learning and experiencing new things I am able to apply it and teach it to others. I can apply the steps of the Design Cycle not only in technology but in other class projects too. For example, it is helping my partner and I do our IB Personal project. Also, since I learned to use the Design Cycle, I was able to teach the 6th graders all about it. This is very essential for them to know becasue they will be using the Design Cycle all the way to 10th grade. The way it will be applied in the community is when we become adults and apply to our jobs or careers. Whether they become a doctor, engineer, teacher or a counselor they will need to follow this process. Once the whole community applies this to their lives, they will be more successful.
     My future projects can become better by evaluating my final product. I critically evaluated myself by creating a self rubric. This helps me see what was not as effective as other parts of the project. A lot has to do with how a person manages their time and how well the project is planned out. A good formulated plan leads to a better outcome and product. Another way for the projects to become better is by taking the create stage more in depth. Making feasible designs and improving the final design makes it easier to create the product. In the future I can be more successful by following the requirements strictly.
     From this project, I learned that I need to be more aware of each stage of the Design Cycle. I felt that I started off strongly in the investigate and design stage, but then ended up more poorly in the plan, create and evaluate.  I will continue to compare two ideas in the investigation step and create a rubric to see which one is more effective. This was very helpful because it's a fast way to find out what product will be better. Also, I will continue to make 3 feasible designs to compare and see which is best. On the contrary I will not continue to waste time when creating the project. I felt that I could've been more productive if I followed my plan exaclty how I wrote it. There were times that I stayed behind  and the work doubled so I had to make it up quickly.
     I feel that my final product was well done but it wasn't fantastic. Overall I rate it a 5. The investigate stage I rate it a 5 becasue I made a rubric for the two programs I was comparing. I rated myself a 4 on the plan becasue I made a timeline to follow hen I was already halfways through the project. On the design stage I rated myself a 5 becasue I made 3 designs that were specific and detailed. On creating the product I rated myself a 5 because I thought it was helpful for a 6th grader to learn about the Design Cycle. Finally, on the evaluation I rated my self a 3 becasue I haven't yet gotten the chance to test it out on a 6th grader.
     In the future my goal will be to create a better plan. This last time I made the plan when I was already halfways through the project. It was not as effective as I planned because I was rushing through it. Next time I will make sure I make it from the beginning of the project so that I can follow it and not fall behind. I need to make sure that I not wait till the lastminute to finish up instead I have to planout every step.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Today I created a quiz for 6th graders

Create Progress

This is my link to my final product. I was able to finish today after I edited some minor things on it. It was supposed to be published since yesterday, but I had some trouble with the program. I had difficulties making the prezi zoom out. It took me about an hour and a half to finally get it to capture the right view.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

create Progress and Reflection

     This is my progress. I have successfully included the investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate. Now all I have to do is go back and do last minute touch ups. I also have to find a better way to display the pictures. Based on my progress from today, I rate myself a 5. It was a very productive work time today, so I feel I did a pretty good job on the create stage. The reason I didn't give myself a 6 is because I had planned to be finished with my product today, but I wasn't able to. I need to make accommodations to finish it up and also go into the evaluate stage.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gannt Chart

My total is 420 minutes divided by 60 which is about 7 hours. Below I will plan how I will use each day from now on until OCTOBER 10 to complete my project.
9/29- Day 1-- 20 min
9/30- Day 2-- 35 min
10/1- Day 3-- 45 min
10/2- Day 4-- 35 min
10/3- Day 5-- 45 min I will start creating Prezi video.
10/4- Day 6-- 35 min Continue creating on Prezi.
10/5- Day 7-- 45 min Continue creating.
10/6- Day 8-- 35 min Finish Creating.
10/7- Day 9-- 35 min Create surveys.
10/8- Day 10-- 45 min Create quiz. 
10/10- Day 11-- 45 min Evaluate product.

Investigation Reflection

The problem presented to me was to create a product that would effectively teach a 6th grader about the Design Cycle. I decided to create a video on Prezi because the format and layout are appropiate for the situation. I chose this program after analyzing another program called iMovie. It has an interesting theme that helps to focus the student on the subject presented. Therefore, I rated myself a 4 out of 6. To test out my product and its true effect, I will first create a survey for three 6th graders that will have a rate from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. It will ask about their opinion, if they learned from it, if they felt the layout and theme were appropiate and whether the music, font, and other additions helped to focus more on the Design Cycle. After really revieweing several options including Prezi and imovie, I chose Prezi and evaluated it against the specifications. This was done by creating two table rating each special function from 1 to 5. I went more in depth on each of Prezi's special functions like music, fonts, images, shapes and themes to get the most out of the program. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Design Brief and Specification

Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
I am going to make a Prezi presentation to teach a 6th grader about the Design Cycle. It's important because this is their first year enrolled in the MYP program. 
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
The requirements for this is to present the Design Cycle in an entertaining form using a tool on the web or any other computer program, two minutes long and as simple and clear to understand.
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
The limitations are that you need to use a computer to create the presentation and not a model. Also it is timed.
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
I will test my presentation by first creating a survey that rates each section from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. It will ask for their overall opinion, whether it helped them learn about the Design Cycle, whether the font, theme, music and images helped to focus better on the subject. Then, I will create a quiz that will have questions related to each step of the Design Cycle. If the student gets 8 out of 10 questions right, then it means that they mastered the topic. This will be accurate data that will truly give tell me if my product was successful.  

Design Specification
  • 2 minute presentation
  • explains each step of the Design Cycle
  • simple and clear
  • easy to follow
Today I learned to create 3 designs for my project. I jotted down my different ideas for the design brief. I got an idea of how my presentation should look like by doing this.


Design 1:
Part 1: Design Cycle title, description below, picture on bottom, blue arrow pointing to next part
Part 2: Investigate title framed on top, description below, picture on bottom, blue arrow pointing to next part
Part 3: Repeat  part 2 but with Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate

Design 2:
Part 1: Picture in circle frame on top, Design Cycle title below, description on bottom in rectangular frame
Part 2: Investigate picture in circle frame, Title below, description on bottom in rectangular frame.
Part 3: Repeat part 2 but with Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate

Design 3:
Part 1: Design Cycle title, Picture below in circle frame, Highlighted description in bottom, add a numbered path
Part 2: Investigate title, Picture below of investigate in circle frame, highlighted description in bottom
Part 3:Repeat part 2 but with Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate

Monday, September 19, 2011

Simplicity: iMovie is a simple video program for children to use. It's easy to use because all the student needs to do is press the play button, and it will start. From there on, the student just needs to be attentive while each clip plays on its own. It runs very smooth and is timed. This way the student feels comfortable and is able to catch the important key points without worrying about following steps to learn about the Design Cycle. Also, another simple thing is that it has a common layout. Every clip is formatted in a constant way. For example, once the theme is chosen everything else falls easily in place. 

Font: There is a variety of fonts to choose from instead of using a dull one. They range from simple to creative. I gave it a three because at least there is more than one font to choose from, but it doesn't quite reach a four. This iMovie program limits the fonts; the first font chosen is used for every clip. You can't have a different font in every clip. The ability to change the font size is a an advantage, so that the title will stand out more than the rest of the text. This way the viewer can easily tell apart the title from the rest of the information.

Theme: I gave the theme a score of 3. It has some useful themes that can help set up the Design Cycle. For example some of the useful themes are comic book, scrapbook, filmstrip and bulletin board. It has more than one creative theme to choose from. That way we evaluate from  those four which will serve better to display the end product.The reason I scored this part a 3 is because I think it would be more efficient if I created a comic book or scrapbook on a website designed just for that. It would have more options since iMovie is more like a slideshow. It doesn't give animation options or effects on the sound and motion effects on the pictures and words. 

Music: The music options are very accurate and precise. Out of 5 I gave it a perfect score. It has a simple format to input the music to the iMovie. In simple steps, all that needs to be done is download the music to itunes, press the music note button on iMovie, and automatically the song will appear on the list. To select it, you just need to click and drag to whatever section of the video. In addition, it has a ducking option. tis is very useful for voice recordings. It helps manage the music in the background, so that at that point the volume is focused more on the speaker's voice than the music. Another good thing about the music options is that it allows the music to be only on certain parts of the video if desired.

Simplicity: Prezi is a very simple program because it has video guide. It explains exactly how to use it and what each button does. It's very easy to use because it has instructions to refer to. Also, the layout is not confusing at all. It is not hard for a 6th grader to follow the video. All they need to do is pay close attention. They won't have a difficult time finding out what's going on because the video is well organized. This is possible since it has options to add arrows and highlight to make the video easier to understand.
Font: I scored the font a 4 because it has a variety of options. The fonts are not all like the ones we normally use in power point. This is great because the fonts are unique and get the viewer more engaged in the video. The font can change size to make the title stand out from the rest of the text. In addition, you can also highlight words in different colors. I scored this higher than the iMovie font because unlike iMovie, it has the option to have a different font in each section while in iMovie you can only use the font initially chosen.

Theme: The themes in Prezi are all very good. It has different themes that are adequate for the project. The themes are fun and look 3D. They are like going through adventures because the pictures can zoom in and out. All the themes have the options for titles, texts and pictures. They also are entertaining and animations can be added. It has a great layout that is easy to follow. They are easy to follow and the viewer won't get bored.

Music: I scored music a 4 out of 5 only because it is kind of difficult to upload a youtube video from school computers. This is the only complication, but at any other place it is easy to upload since it has a specialized button for youtube videos. Any other music files can be added. All that needs to be done is click on the insert button and then choose file from desktop. The music audio is very good also. The music plays very good without stopping. It's a good thing that music can be added so that it will be more engaging.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 2 Reflection

This program called iMovie is used to make videos. It has many useful tools that would be convenient to use in my project and be able teach the 6th graders the Design Cycle. It has a button to input music, pictures, themes, transitions and even a voiceover. All of these things would gain the attention of them and it wouldn't distract them from getting the point of the Design Cycle because all of these effects are only for the background.

Prezi is a type of movie program that has animations. I think it's a better way to display the Design Cycle instead of just adding pictures. It's more entertaining because it has action and interesting features like fonts, themes and transitions. It also has the advantage to transition by zooming in to the picture and zooming out. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Design Folder

Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
1.    What is the problem you need to solve?
We need to create a presentation that will help a 6th grader understand the Design Cycle.
2.    How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world?
We need to go through the Design Cycle to do any project in our lives and our jobs.
3.    How will this project serve my community?
We will be able to teach the students something that they will use for the rest of their lives.
4.    How can my learning help my community?
By me learning, I will be able to share the knowledge with others.
5.    How do we live in relation to each other?
We depend on each other because everyone knows different things, so when we put it together we learn something.
6.    How does this help others?
It helps them by learning more than they already know.
7.    What are the requirements for this assignment?
The requirements are to present the section of the design cycle in 2 minutes following the design cycle process but is not limited to just the computer.
8.    What is the Design Cycle?
The Design Cycle is a process used to create a product which includes investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate.
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9.    Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:
Five things I learned is that in the investigate section we need to see what the problem is. When we design we need to do several designs. When we plan we need to do some type of timeline. In the create stage we can make modifications. In the evaluate we need to evaluate our work strictly.
Day 3
Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
REFLECT on your learning
20. How could you improve your presentation?
21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
25. How can my learning help my community?
26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)